Find out more about what God is doing in Europe today
 by receiving our magazine for free.

Three times a year we publish our magazine called 'ECM Life' sharing up to date stories of what God is doing in people's lives across Europe.
You can subscribe here. Or you can read it below or download it here.

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4ECM Prayer News

‘Eurolink’ is an emailed ECM Ireland missionary prayer request service to keep you up to date and fuel your prayers. Click here to subscribe.

'Prayer Diary’  This is the monthly prayer diary from the ECM International office which gives  a prayer request for each day of the month from the whole mission. Subscribe on ECM International.

3Missionary Prayer Letters

All of our missionaries produce regular news updates, so if you are interested in a particular missionary sign up here (make sure you fill in your missionary’s name at the bottom of the form and we arrange that for you).

Thank you for your involvement, we appreciate you standing with us in prayer!

Browse through our last editions of ECM Life


ECM Life: Spring 2024


ECM Life: Winter 2023


ECM Life: Summer 2023


ECM Life: Spring 2023

Europe 2021: A Missiological Report

By Jim Memory

Europe 2021. What is really going on? How is Europe changing? What can we expect to see in the future?

These are just some of the questions Christian leaders in Europe need to tackle today. As a mission working in Europe, ECM is particularly interested in understanding the reality of Europe and identifying the threats and opportunities that lie before us. In this report, our Director of Strategic Partnerships, Jim Memory, has done a superb job of helping us to do this. Taking in the whole picture of Europe and being able to translate it into a readable, concise, and interesting report is quite a feat, and we are enormously grateful for the result.

We encourage you to download this report, read it, and share it within your networks. Happy reading!